Hotline: +49 2953 73-211
Fax: +49 2953 73-250
Wöhler DC 100
Table 9.1: Example receive sequence: channel no. + measured value
303025.01.0213:38:19 Start: channel no. 3030 + date and time
3031 107.35
channel no. 3031+ measured pressure in mbar
3038 22.0
channel no. 3038 + external temperature in °C
3041 22.0
channel no. 3041 + internal temperature in °C
3040 40
Kanalnr. 3040 + relative humidity in %
303025.01.0213:48:19 Stop: channel no. 3030 = date and time
Table 4 shows an excerpt from a transfer sequence read into the Microsoft
HyperTerminal program via the IrDA receiver connected to the serial port
COM1 (9600, 8, 1, 0, Xon/Xoff). Internal service data are transferred after the
measured values. This text file in Table 9.1 can then be imported into an Excel
file where it can be viewed. The more comfortable solution, however, is the
Excel file DC2000.xls that from March 2003 can be downloaded as freeware
from the internet (www.woehler.com). This can also depict the measured
values in graph form.
9.2 Logging
This menu item starts the logger that can store up to 4680 measurements
each with measured pressure, (optional) humidity, and temperature values,
i.e. max 18,720 measured values. When the battery voltage falls below a
threshold of 2 V (battery symbol appears on the display), the logger switches
OFF automatically. Before starting the logger for a longer period you should
therefore check the battery status under Signal —> V battery. Even without
batteries, measured values are retained in memory for over ten years. When
the fastest scan rate of thirty seconds is chosen, values can then be regi-
stered for max two days and five hours (see Table 9.2). The following scan
intervals are possible and can be selected in the Setup menu under Setup
—> Log rate: 30 s, 1 min, 3 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 h, 3 h, 4 h.
9. Logger/data transfer