Wöhler DC 100
e-Mail: [email protected]
5.1 Selection of the syringe volume
The differential pressure
p is measured. In order to obtain a sufficiently ac-
curate measurement result, the measured differential pressure
p should be
at least 20 Pa. This results in a syringe volume V
which is at least 1/5000
of the line volume. In this case, the error to be expected during the volume
measurement is equal to the measurement inaccuracy of the DC 100
, i.e.:
3 % of the measured value. A higher pressure leads to longer stabilization
times during the temperature compensation and to a larger impact of possi-
ble leaks.
The following table indicates the approximate values for the selection of the
syringe volume:
Syringe volume
Max. line volume (DC 100
20 ml
100 l
50 ml
250 l
100 ml
500 l
163 ml (1 strike with soot pump)
800 l
489 ml (3 strikes with soot pump)
2400 l
6. Menu TS for measuring stuck gas temperatures and draughts
In conjunction with the (optional) QA sensor E98 order no. 9924 the
can determine and log both the draught in the exhaust gas and
its temperature. The automatically alternating display of measured results
should be selected under the Measuring Mode menu, i.e. the draught and the
temperature are displayed alternately (see Section 3.5).
There are two ways of initiating a measurement of exhaust gas temperature
with the QA sensor E 98.
1. The DC 100
automatically detects the inserted QA sensor during the
self-test. However, the sensor must be connected before the DC 100
switched on (see Figure 5.2).
2. The second possibility of activating the QA sensor E98 for registering
exhaust gas temperatures is provided by the menu item TA.
When this mode is activated (the cursor flashes constantly at the position
), the device must not be switched to an external ambient or wall tem-
perature sensor: they would otherwise display garbage. Again selecting the
menu item
switches OFF the flashing cursor. The
has also to be
activated for measurements with the Wöhler S-tube probe (order no. 3941).
6. Menu TS