GMG-B Operation manual
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5.3 Safety facilities
Mechanically, the pump unit is built intrinsically safe.
The pump unit may not be operated unless the reservoir lid is closed.
The strainer (see figure "Strainer in the reservoir") fitted into the reservoir
bottom serves as an additional protection against reaching into the reservoir
and for the avoidance of shear spots at the stirring wing. It may be removed
for maintenance and repair purposes only.
Check the presence of the strainer every time when lubricant is refilled!
Strainer in the reservoir
5.4 Accident prevention
For accident prevention, take these measures:
Prevent unauthorised persons from accessing the pump unit.
Keep foreign persons away from the areas and places of risk.
Inform present foreign persons about residual risks repeatedly. Inform yourself about such
risks in the "Residual risks" section.