Important Information for the Technician
Risk of hand injury.
Use caution when opening the cleaning flap, as it can open suddenly.
When opening the cleaning flap, use the tool provided and wear protective gloves.
Pinch point hazard.
Use caution when closing the cover of the smoke funnel chamber.
Crush hazard.
Remain alert and aware of surroundings when moving the machine with crane or
fork lift.
Smoke gas danger.
Mount a warning plate against smoke gas on the boiler room door.
Health hazard.
In case of an unexpected fire or if flue pipe turns red, disconnect power if the main
switch or main circuit breaker is safe to reach. Call the fire department (911) and
evacuate the building. Do not enter smoke-filled rooms to disconnect power.
Injury hazard by hot water or steam.
Safety devices (such as relief or drain valve) will open automatically and relieve hot
water or steam. Keep away from safety devices. Do not manually operate safety
devices when the system is hot.
Health hazard from chemical substances.
Some states list chemical substances known to cause cancer, birth defects, death,
serious illness, or other reproductive harm in propositions. This product may con-
tain such substances, either from the fuel, fuel combustion, or in components of
the product itself.
La belident GmbH Ar t.-N o. : W 08-0 5
Necessary tasks.
The heat exchanger, flue pipe, and chimney must be cleaned regularly to remo-
ve accumulated creosote and ash. Ensure that the heat exchanger, flue pipe, and
chimney are cleaned at the end of each heating season to minimize corrosion du-
ring the summer months. The appliance, flue pipe, and chimney must be in good
condition. These instructions also apply to a draft inducer, if used.
Pellet feed system: service, maintenance and rules
The pellet feed system operates automatically. All service and maintenance must
be completed by trained specialists only. Do not alter the equipment or accesso-
ries in any way.
For use in combination with Windhager BioWIN XL pellet-fueled central heating
boiler/furnace only.
Do not use to transport any material other than wood pellet fuel listed on the boiler
nameplate or in the boiler manuals.
Do not use for vacuum cleaning.
The pellet feed system starts automatically and will make noise. People who are
easily startled or have cardiac problems should keep away.