Important Information for the Technician
1.4 Fuel storage
The pellets must be stored in a dry location in order to achieve trouble-free operation with optimum combustion
at maximum efficiency. The pellets can be stored in bulk in a storage room, sheet steel tank, fabric tank or buried
tank. The requirements for pellet storage are defined in ÖNORM M7137 for Austria, the Firing Ordinance FeuV
for Germany, or the Pellets Fuel Institute (PFI) Standard for the USA/Canada.
Maximum transport length or height for a pellet feed system:
These max. values require a stable power supply (min. 110 V AC under load!). The suction turbine must be in the
same room as the pellet boiler. The distance between the pellet boiler and the suction turbine must not exceed
9.8 ft / 3 m – Fig. 2.
Max. distance of 82 ft / 25 m between furthest probe and pellet boiler/heater with max. total height difference of
5.9 ft / 1.8 m
Max. distance of 50 ft / 15 m between furthest probe and pellet boiler/heater with max. total height difference of
9.2 ft / 2.8 m
Max. distance of 33 ft / 10 m between furthest probe and pellet boiler/heater with max. total height difference of
14.8 ft /4.5 m
Total height difference: Sum of lengths of all rising pipes
Fig. 2
Storage room, heating room – view from above
Furthest away probe
Changeover unit
Suction turbine
Boiler room
Suction pipe from BioWIN XL to suction turbine: Max. length 9.8 ft/3 m
The pellets must be transported carefully in and out of the storage room in order
to maintain good pellet quality.
– You must comply with the minimum clearances for connections, cleaning and maintenance – see section 2.2
Minimum service clearances.
– Sufficient ventilation of the set-up area must be guaranteed - see section 2.4 Combustion air.
– The boiler must be installed in a dry location.
– The boiler must not be installed in rooms that are very dusty or humid.
Permissible limit values:
Air humidity: 85 % at room temperature of 77 °F / 25 °C (non-condensing)
Room temperature: 35.6 °F to 104 °F / +2 to +40 °C
– Sufficient lighting must be provided for service and maintenance.