The de vi ce may only be re pai red by aut ho ri zed qua li fied per son nel.
Un aut ho ri zed ope ning of the de vi ce and in ex pert ly car ried-out re pairs may
not only se ri ous ly jeo par di ze the sa fe ty of the user, but also can cel all
war ran ty and liability agreements.
Your BEETLE sys tem is the re sult of mo dern tech ni cal in no vat ion. So
plea se see for ac cor ding struc tu ral and tech ni cal sur roun dings to
gua ran tee a fault less and ef fi cient work of your BEETLE. The re fo re, you
should con nect your BEETLE or ot her IT-de vi ces only to po wer supp ly
sys tems with se pa ra te ly gui ded pro tec ti ve earth con duc tor (PE). This kind
of elec tri ci ty sys tem is known as TN-S net work. Do not use PEN
Plea se also ob ser ve the re com men da tions of the norm DIN VDE 0100,
Part 540, Ap pen dix C2 as well as EN50174-2, §5.4.3.Thus you can help
to avoid pos si ble mal functions.
You can connect or disconnect USB devices during operation of your
BEETLE, provided that these devices comply with the specifications
according to usb.org.
Other peripheral devices with higher power requirement (such as
PoweredUSB printer) should be connected to or disconnected from your
BEETLE system only after the BEETLE has been switched off.