A. Deep Sea 4510 Engine control
See controller explanation on page 12.
B. 2 Amp fuse
These fuses are in the AC input line from the generator that provide the
AC Voltage reading on the display. If the fuse is blown, the DSE4510
will not display a voltage or frequency reading and will shutdown on low
voltage or frequency. (Replacement fuse ATO-ATC-2A-250 Volt)
C. 10 Amp fuse
This fuse supplies the 12 Volt DC to power the DSE 4510 controller
circuits on the boards. If this fuse is blown, the DSE 4510 will not
function at all. (Replacement fur ATO-ATC 2A-250 Volt)
Auxiliary Inputs - Auxiliary inputs can be be user
configured and will display the message as written by
the user.
Fail to Start -The engine has not fired after the preset
number of start attempts.
Low Oil Pressure - The module detects that the engine
oil pressure has fallen below the low oil pressure
pre-alarm setting level after the Safety On timer has
Engine High Oil Temperature - The module detects
that the engine oil temperature has exceeded the high
engine temperature pre-alarm setting level after the
Safety On timer has expired.
Underspeed - The engine speed has fallen below the
underspeed pre-alarm setting.
Overspeed - The engine speed has risen above the
overspeed pre-alarm setting.
Generator Under Voltage - The generator output
voltage has fallen below the pre-set pre-alarm setting
Generator Over Voltage - The generator output voltage
has risen above the pre-set pre-alarm setting after the
Safety On timer has expired.
Generator Under Frequency - The generator frequency
has fallen below the pre-set pre-alarm setting after the
Safety On timer has expired.
Generator Over Frequency - The generator output
frequency has risen above the pre-set alarm setting
Analogue Input Configured As Digital - The analogue
inputs can be configured to digital inputs.The module
detects that an input configured to create a fault
condition has become active.
Charge Failure - The auxiliary charge alternator voltage
is low as measured from the W/L terminal.
Low Fuel Level - The level detected by the fuel level
sensor is below the low fuel level pre-set alarm setting.
High Fuel Level - The level detected by the fuel level
sensor is above the high fuel level pre-set alarm
Delayed Over Current - The measured current has
risen above the configured trip level for a configured
kW Overload - The measured kW has risen above the
configured trip level for a configured duration
CAN ECU Fault - The engine ECU has detected an
alarm – CHECK ENGINE LIGHT Contact Engine
Manufacturer for support.
CAN Data Fail - The module is configured for CAN
operation and does not detect data on the engine Can
data link
Emergency Stop -The emergency stop button has been
depressed. This failsafe (normally closed to emergency
stop) input and immediately stops the set should the
signal be removed.
Oil Sender Open Circuit - The oil pressure sensor has
been detected as being open circuit.
Coolant Temperature Sender Open Circuit - The
coolant temperature sensor has been detected as
being open circuit
Oil Filter
Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for oil filter.
Air Filter - Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for air
Fuel Filter - Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for
fuel filter.