CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- General Lubrication
General Lubrication
The use of high grade lubricants and regular application is specially essential when operating the “Jeep” because of the
diversified service it performs. The amount of trouble free service received will be in proportion to the care given. Lubricate
the vehicle in accordance with the type of service performed.
The following pages should be referred to for instructions covering grade and quality of lubricant for all parts of the vehicle.
The mileage instructions should be followed when the vehicle is used for road work. It is impossible to give accurate hourly
instructions because of the diversified service and conditions under which the vehicle may be operated. The hours indicated are
approximate. To obtain maximum service, good judgment must be used to lubricate the vehicle according to the type of work
being done. As an example – when used as a farm tractor under dusty conditions the chassis should be lubricated daily as the
new lubrication forces grit and dirt, which has accumulated during the day, from the bearing surfaces. Under these conditions,
the air cleaner should also be cleaned and refilled daily or under extreme conditions twice daily.
Because of the importance of correct lubrication, detailed recommendations, unit capacities and specifications are given in the
following paragraphs.
Lubrication Specifications
Chassis Lubrication
Transmission and Transfer Case
Differentials -- Front and Rear
Steering Gear
Wheel Bearings
Universal Joints (Front Axle Shaft)
Universal Joints (Propeller Shaft)
Power Take-Off Housing
Air Cleaner
Type Lube.
Chassis Lube.
Mineral Gear Oil
Hypoid Oil
Steering Gear Lube.
Wheel Bearing Lube.
Universal Joint Lube.
Chassis Lube.
Mineral Gear Oil
Engine Oil
Engine Oil
Engine Oil
No. 0
SAE 80
SAE 90
SAE 140
No. 2
No. 0
No. 0
SAE 80
Same Grade as used in engine
Same Grade as used in engine
See Below
No. 1
SAE 90
SAE 90
SAE 140
No. 2
No. 1
No. 1
SAE 90
Same Grade as used in engine
Same Grade as used in engine
See Below
Above 90º F.................SAE 30
Not Lower than 32º F...SAE 20 or 30
As Low as +10º F........SAE 20 W
As Low as -10º F.........SAE 10 W
To temperatures below -10º F, use SAE 10 W plus 10% kerosene.
Lubrication of the engine is accomplished by means of a force-feed continuous circulating system. This is effected by means of a gear type
pump, located externally on the left side of the engine, and driven by a spiral gear on the camshaft.
The oil is drawn into the circulating system through a floating oil intake. The floating intake does not permit water or dirt to circulate, which
may have accumulated in the bottom of the oil pan, because the oil is drawn horizontally from near the top surface.
An oil pressure gauge is mounted in the instrument panel, which indicates the pressure being supplied to the circulating system. Failure of
the gauge to register may indicate absence of oil, leakage or a fault in the lubrication system and the engine should be stopped immediately.
If there is plenty of oil in the reservoir the mechanical fault must be corrected before starting the engine. Standard gauge reading is
approximately 35 at 30 miles per hour and 10 at idle speed.
The quantity of the oil in the crankcase is measured by the bayonet type oil level indicator which is combined with the oil filler cap located in
the oil filler pipe at the right side of the engine. When the oil level is below the “Full” mark, pour sufficient new oil into the reservoir to bring
the level to the “Full” mark.
When the vehicle leaves the factory the crankcase is filled to the correct level with oil of the proper viscosity for the “break-in” period. When
the vehicle is used on the highway, completely drain the engine oil at 500 miles and at 1000 miles, then every 2000 miles thereafter, by
removing the drain plug in the lower left side of the oil pan. Replace the drain plug and refill with 4 qts (5 qts. when the engine oil filter has
been drained) of fresh oil. For heavy industrial or dusty field work, change the oil at the first 10 hours, and each 50 hours thereafter. To
secure maximum engine life, watch the condition of the oil closely and should it become contaminated, due to conditions under which the
vehicle has been operated, change it immediately.
Always drain the oil when the engine is warm. The benefit of draining is, to a large extent, lost if the crankcase is drained when the engine is
cold, as some of the foreign matter will remain in the bottom of the oil pan.
At least once a year, preferably in the Spring, remove the oil pan and floating oil intake and wash thoroughly with cleaning solution.
When lubricating the chassis refer to the Lubrication Chart. For highway travel, clean and lubricate points
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
each 1000 miles. When used in industrial or agricultural work the period for lubrication depends entirely upon the type of work being done.
When doing dusty field work, lubricate these points daily as grit and dirt will work into the bearing surfaces and cause rapid wear unless
forced out by new lubricant. The importance of using a good grade of chassis lubricant can not be exaggerated, for the cost will be more than
repaid by longer wear and good service.
The oil filter should be dismantled, cleaned and the filter element replaced at the end of the first 2000 miles of highway travel, or 100 hours