Options Page
The Options page displays user preferences that can be tailored to each WaveCAST EIGHT channel.
The description sets the name of the channel, which may be used to uniquely identify the device without referring to the IP
The channel can be disabled if it will not be used for audio. Disabling the channel will keep the channel from displaying in the
WaveCAST App. Channels that are enabled will appear in the app, even when not in use.
Secure Mode can be enabled or disabled, and a 6-digit PIN number can be assigned. If enabled, users will need to use this PIN to
log on to the audio stream. Users attempting to listen to the stream without the PIN will be unable to do so.
A multicast address can be automatically assigned. If a specific multicast address is required, the device administrator can enter
the desired multicast address. Editing the multicast address will require a reboot of the device.