The appliance is installed into an outer box. This box provides the housing for the installaon. The outer box will
be installed into the wall/cavity and provides full mounng features for the appliance and allows easy installaon
and removal of the gas appliance at a later me should it be necessary.
Using a Philips screwdriver, first remove the 12 screws used to hold the appliance securely during transportaon
These screws are used only for transporta:on purposes. Once removed, they can be discarded.
Now remove the
2 screws and two nuts*
which fix the fire into the outer box. These parts will be needed to refit
the appliance aer the outer box is installed into the wall.
The appliance can now be removed from the outer box.
Put the fire aside where it cannot be damaged whilst the outer box is installed into the wall.
The magnec socket
tool supplied in the
accessory pack will be
required to fit and
remove these two nuts.
* These two nuts are not fi8ed when the
appliance is hipped. They can be found in the
installa:on fiFng pack.