Chapter 5
Working Instructions WIDOS 6113
Page 24 of 67
How to set the heating element temperature
As soon as the heating element is connected to the mains (400 V / 16A), it starts heating up to the desired
temperature. Set the temperature with a screw driver at the adjusting knob.
Display: DESIRED tempe blinking points between the numbers.
The heating element is being heated up, the desired temperature is not yet reached. This
display disappears after short time, followed by three lines.
- - -
Display: Three lines.
The heating element is being heated up, the desired temperature is not yet reached.
1 8 0
Display: ACTUAL temperature (without blinking points).
Appears as soon as a temperature of > 170°C is reached and rises continuously to
DESIRED temperature. The desired temperature is maintained by a certain pulse-position
Welding process
T h e r e s p e c t i v e l y v a l i d w e l d i n g p r e s c r i p t i o n s ( I S O / C E N / D V S . . . ) a r e t o b e
b a s i c a l l y f o l l o w e d .
There is the danger of serious bruising.
On the one hand between the inner clamping devices, on the other hand between the outer
clamping device and the end of the guide bar.
Do wear safety gloves as a protection against combustion!
A stop-watch should be available for recording the actual times for the heating and cooling.
In the same way a table should be available from which the parameters for the pipe dimensions to be
welded prescribed by the welding prescriptions may be taken from.
The heating element surfaces are to be clean and, above all, free from grease. Therefore they are to be
cleaned with non-fraying paper and detergent (e.g. PE - cleaner) before every welding or if they are dirty.
The anti-adhesive coating of the heating element has to remain undamaged in the working area.
Terminal box with control
Temperature adjusting knob