Einsteinstr. 5
Phone +49 / 71 52 99 39 - 0
W. Dommer Söhne GmbH
D-71254 Ditzingen-Heimerdingen
+49 / 71 52 99 39 - 40
Website: www.widos.de
14.01.2015 Working
WIDOS 4002 S CNC 3.0
Page 7 of 92
1. Description of product
This chapter gives important basic information about the product and its prescribed use.
All technical details of the machine are put together as a general arrangement.
1.1. Usage and purpose-oriented use
4002 S CNC 3.0
is a workshop machine and especially designed for the heating
element butt welding of plastic pipes and fittings from Ø = 90 up to 315 mm (Standard-
: 90 /
110 / 125 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200 / 225 / 250 / 280 / 315 mm).
The machine is screwed tightly on a steel pipe frame in the correct working height and has a
movable machine slide (left-hand) and 2 (optional 4) clamping tools.
For the compensation of diameter tolerances, the right table half is movable crosswise to the
working direction.
For the fabrication of segmented bends, both clamping tools are swiveling up to 15° each.
Even large diameters with a high nominal pressure rate may be clamped and welded by
means of an additional cylinder (optional).
All use going beyond is not prescribed.
The manufacturer is not responsible for damages caused by misuse.
The risk is held only by the user.
Also part of the appropriate usage are
following all indications of the working instructions and
performing the inspection and maintenance works.
1.2. Safety
At incorrect usage of the machine, incorrect operation or incorrect maintenance, the machine
itself or products being around can be damaged or destroyed.
Persons in the dangerous zone may be injured.
For that reason, these working instructions have to be read thoroughly and the according
safety rules have absolutely to be followed.
1.3. Conformity
The machine corresponds in its construction to the valid recommendations of the European
Community as well as to the according European standard specifications.
The development, manufacturing and mounting of the machine were made very carefully.