Starting and operating
Chapter 5
Working Instructions WIDOS 2500 / OD 250
Page 18 of 45
5.5. Welding process
T h e r e s p e c t i v e l y v a l i d w e l d i n g p r e s c r i p t i o n s ( I S O / C E N / D V S . . . ) a r e t o
b e b a s i c a l l y f o l l o w e d .
Wear safety gloves as protection against combustion!
A stop-watch must be available for recording the actual times for heating and cooling.
A welding table must be available from which the parameters for the pipe dimensions to be
welded prescribed by the welding prescriptions may be taken.
The heating element surfaces must be clean, especially non greasy, therefore they need to
be cleaned shortly before each welding or in case of dirtiness by means of a fiber-free paper
and a cleaning agent.
The anti-stick coating of the heating element is to be undamaged in the working area.
How to align and clamp the pipes
Screw the reduction inserts according to the pipe outside diameter to be welded.
Align the pipe brackets according to the pipe outside diameter (chapter: 5.2).
Open the clamping tools. Put the pipes with the same overhang to the inside of the clamping
Close them and clamp pipes.
How to plane the pipes
Switch on the planer (chapter: 4.2, Nr. 8).
Keep the button (no. 9) at the planer handle pressed.
Drive workpieces to the planer with the cross handle and plane with low pressing force.
You will have to carry out planing as long as a bilateral rotating chip has been produced.
Open the support again, release button and swivel out the planer.
Remove the produced cuttings without touching the worked surfaces.
Close the support.
5.5.3. Mismatch compensation
Check pipe mismatch and gap on the joining pipe ends. According to DVS 2207, the
mismatch on the pipe outer side must not exceed 0.1 x pipe wall thickness, the admissible
gap must not exceed 0.5 mm.
The mismatch compensation is carried out by further tightening or releasing of the clamping
nuts. In case mismatch compensation was carried out, planing must be repeated afterwards.