Mini-Seis III Pro™ Operating Manual
Page 35
Preparing for Operation
Activating and Stabilization
After the transducer and microphone are installed, they can be connected to either one of
the connectors on the Mini-Seis III Pro case. In the case of the 8 channel model, the outer
most connectors are for channels 1-4, the inner most for channels 5-8. The sensors should
be connected before turning on the power. Next press the ON button to activate the
instrument. The splash screen will appear and then the stabilization screen. If the
instrument does not stabilize, it means that there is activity that is above one or both of the
trigger thresholds. If this is the case, you can increase the trigger thresholds from the
stabilization screen by selecting a threshold and using the right arrow key.
Main Screen
After stabilization the Main Screen will be displayed. Changes to basic information such as
seismic or acoustic units can be made using the -Setup Menus- selection. Changes to the
operating values of the mode to be used can be made from the screen for that mode. Before
leaving the instrument, if using waveform mode, make sure the Trigger field shows Armed.
If it shows Disarmed, select the field and change it to Armed.
Note: In Waveform Mode, the instrument will automatically arm
itself after some brief period of inactivity, usually one to two
minutes. Histogram or Histogram/Waveform Mode will not
automatically activate unless using a timer.
Mode Screens
If the displayed mode screen is the mode you wish to use, check the settings and make any
necessary adjustments. If this is not the desired mode, press the right or left arrow key to
change the mode.
In Waveform Mode, when the trigger is armed the instrument is ready to take events. No
other steps are needed. Histogram mode or histogram/waveform mode must be activated
unless using a timer.
Reviewing Data
It is likely that the instrument’s display will be blank after an event. The instrument shuts
down the display after a period of inactivity to save power. Press ENTER to activate the
display. If a trigger occurred, the display should show the Event Screen. If not, press
ENTER until the screen is displayed.
While the event number is selected, the left and right arrow keys can be used to scroll
through the events in memory. It is from this screen that a user can copy events to a USB
thumb drive.