M I X - M I N U S P A N E L
page 11
D-12 / July 2006
Mix-Minus Panel (MXM-D12)
Controls and Functions
The D-12 digital audio control surface is equipped with one
Mix-Minus Panel.
This panel houses AUX SENDS, MXM MASTER OUTPUTS, and
AUX Sends
There are a total of eight AUX SENDs available
in the D-12 control surface. A brief comment on the
controls is called for before diving into the details.
The column of 8 knobs (“1” through “8”) labeled
MASTERS, and their associated SET and AFL
switches, have a dual-purpose. If the MXM button in
that section is lit, the control operation applies to the
surface’s MXM outputs, which are dealt with later in
this chapter. But if the SEND button is lit, the control
operation applies to the AUX SENDs, which is the
current topic. For the present discussion on AUX
SENDs we assume the SEND button is lit, and we will
freely discuss controls in both the AUX SENDS and
MASTERS sections of the panel without qualifying
which panel section the control being discussed is
located in.
We will begin by explaining the operation for
AUX SEND 1. The same discussion can be applied to
any of the 8 AUX SENDs.
Any surface input channel can feed AUX
SEND 1. To do so, press the SET button on the input
channel, then press the MXM-D12 panel ON button
for AUX 1. If the button is already lit when you press
the channel SET button, then that channel is already
feeding AUX SEND 1.
Channels normally feed the AUX SEND a post
fader signal that follows the channel’s ON button
(post on). If you press the MXM-D12 PRE ON button for AUX 1, that
channel will feed the AUX SEND regardless of its ON button status. In
a similar fashion, the channel can be made to feed a constant signal level
to the AUX SEND regardless of its fader position by pressing the PRE
FDR button. PRE ON and PRE FDR can be used in any combination.