page 27
D-12 / July 2006
Test Tones Section
The TEST TONES section provides adjustable fre-
quency test signals, a pink noise source, and a stereo ID
tones source.
The multi function oscillator may be assigned to any
mix bus output or input fader. Press the SET button on
the input or mix bus output to begin.
Operate as follows: The encoder knob operates as
both a frequency knob and a level control knob. By
pressing the FREQ button, the encoder will now adjust
the oscillator frequency designated in the TEST TONES
display. Its level can then be adjusted by pressing the LEVEL button
and using the encoder to adjust the level as displayed in the TEST
TONES display. If a pink noise is desired, press the PINK button and
adjust its level by pressing the LEVEL button. For STEREO ID tones,
press the STEREO ID TONES button and adjust the level by pressing
the LEVEL button. The test tone destination is chosen by pressing the
SET button at the desired destination location and then the ASSIGN
button in the test tone section. To use any of the test tones, press the ON
button. When it is lit the selected test tone is available; when not lit the
tones are off.
Frequency Select Switches:
STEREO ID TONES - generates 440Hz on the left channel and
1kHz on the right channel. The TEST TONES display shows both
PINK - generates pink noise on both channels. The TEST TONES
display shows PinkNoiz.
FREQ - defaults to 440Hz; the rotary encoder adjust the frequency
in the range of 20Hz to 20kHz and updates the display.
LEVEL Switch - puts encoder and display in level setting mode.
Default is -20dBFS. Encoder sweeps in 1dB steps in a range from
0dBFS down to OFF. Dobbying the encoder sets a nominal -20dBFS
ASSIGN Switch - assigns the oscillator to the selected mix output
or input fader.
ON Switch - turns the oscillator ON.