M I X - M I N U S P A N E L
page 14
D-12 / July 2006
Bus Assign Section
All bus assignment is accomplished through the four sets of
ASSIGN switches, consisting of eight sub-group, four master,
four DCA, and eight mix-minus assign switches. The switches
illuminate to indicate the assign status of the input channel or
group whose SET switch is currently active. Indicator windows
on the input, group, and master panels show the assign status for
each individual source.
Bus assignment is accomplished by first pressing the SET
button on the desired input channel (IS-D12), group (GRP-D12
panel), or master (MSTR-D12 panel). The assign switches
illuminate to show the source’s current bus assignment. Press
required switches to create the desired set of bus assigns. The
local indicators on the IS-D12, GRP-D12 or MSTR-D12 panel
will change to reflect the new bus assignment.
Input channels may be assigned to any group, master, DCA,
or MXM in any combination. The situation is similar for groups,
except that groups may not be assigned to groups. Masters may
be assigned only to DCAs, but in any combination.
Pressing an input fader SET button will activate the bank of
MXM ASSIGN switches and allow the user to assign or minus
an input from each MXM bus. Pressing a switch (1-8) toggles the
input channel assignment to the MXM bus. The Mix-minus
polarity setting, accessed through the XPoint GUI, determines
whether the channel is added to (positive polarity) or subtracted
from (negative polarity) the chosen MXM bus. With positive
polarity setting the LED lights when the signal is added to the
MXM bus. With negative polarity setting the LED lights when
the signal subtracted from the MXM bus. MXM polarity is set
globally for all 8 MXM busses. Appropriate MXM LED indica-
tor on the input panel also lights.