User manual - English
7.2.3 Cleaning the condenser fins:
(Also see service video capitel 10. QR code)
(air-cooled units only)
The condenser fins are sharp-edged, which could lead to injuries. Please wear
suitable protective gloves!
a. Air-cooled, free standing units (version L)
Switch off the machine at the production switch (Position Produktion aus/off”).
Loosen dirt particles, dust and fluff that may have deposited on the condenser fins using a
brush with coarse bristles (
not a metal brush!
). For persistent deposits on the fins, use
compressed air. Then use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust.
Spray grease deposits (particularly when the machine is located in kitchen areas) with a
fat-dissolving cleaning solution, allow some time to act, then rinse with warm water (ensure that
cleaning solution or water do not come into contact with electrical components). Blow-dry the
condenser fins with compressed air (if very wet) or rub dry with a cloth.
Switch on the machine on the production switch (Position “Produktion ein/on”).
Fig. 7.2.3.a: Schematic diagram of the cleaning procedure