User manual - English
7.2.1 Cleaning the trough and the water level sensor:
(Also see service video capitel 10. QR code)
Switch off the machine at the production switch (Position “Produktion aus/off) and pull the
power plug(see capitel 2.3).
Remove any ice remaining in the storage container. Ice for consumption must not come
into contact with the detergen.
Adequately wet a clean sponge or cloth with WESSAMAT special cleaner and wipe the
vertically positioned trough by reaching through the storage container. Repeat this procedure
several times. Keep wetting the sponge or cloth with WESSAMAT special cleaner as required.
Allow a few minutes for the special cleaner to act.
Immerse the sponge or cloth in soap water and wipe the trough in order to neutralise the
special cleaner.
10. Clean the trough with clear water. Use a clean sponge or cloth. In case of persistent
soiling and deposits, this procedure (3.-5.) has to be repeated several times.
Then clean the water level sensor. To do this, clean the three vertical sensors from below
with a normal sponge and thereby remove any limescale deposits
Plug in the socket and put the machine back into operation at the production switch
("Production on / on" position). Then clean the storage container! See the following chapter
Almost all cleaners contain acids which can cause corrosion. Therefore, all parts that
have been treated with cleaner must be rinsed thoroughly.