User manual - English
Attach the cooling water hose (DN 10) to the cooling water
connection (1) of the machine and route it to the sewage network.
A free outlet according to DIN EN 1717 section 9 must be
established, regardless of whether the siphon connection is higher
or lower than the connection to the machine. Ideally, the siphon
with inlet funnel (on site) is prepared as a floor drain (see Fig.
Insert the power plug
into the socket.
Important installation information for water-cooled models:
This device has DVGW approval!
To avoid contamination of the drinking water due to backflow, the cooling water hose with free outlet
according to DIN EN 1717, Section 9 must be connected to the drainage line.
DIN EN 1717, Section 9: Free discharge over a drainage object
The free outlet over a drainage object must be completely
separated or through ventilation openings.
Failure to comply with the requirements described in Section 9 will invalidate the DVGW approval!
Cooling water hose
(DN 10)
Free spout:
larger than ø siphon,
at least 20 mm
Fig. 5.4.c: Installation instructions for free discharge
over a drainage object according to DIN 1717 section
9 of the cooling water.