User Manual Managed Switches
of the switch where is received a copy of traffic from
the source port.
3.14.6 System Log Information
This page shows the Event Log Table stored in the switch. The page shows up to 999 entries, default
being 20, selected through the
Entries per page
input field. When first visited, the web page will
show the first 20 entries from the beginning of the Event Log table. The first displayed will be the one
with the lowest ID found in the Event Log table. The
Start from ID
field allows the user to select the
starting point in the Event Log table. Clicking the
button will update the displayed table
starting from that or the next closest Event Log table match.
In the Syslog are defined four different levels for the Event Log Table:
: The system log entry belongs to error level
: The system log entry belongs to warning level
: The system log entry belongs to notice level
: The system log entry belongs to information level
It is possible to display all the entries of the table or filtered by level. It is also possible to delete (clear)
all the entries of the table or delete only by level.
The Event Log table shows the following information:
The identification of the system log entry.
The level of the system log entry (Error, Warning, Notice or Informational).
The time of the system log entry.
The description of the system log entry.
3.14.7 VeriPHY Cable Diagnostics
This page allows the user to perform Cable Diagnostics tests on copper wires.