Rev Version 1.4.1
Rev Version 1.4.1
Figure 30 WEP Configuration
Enter the WEP encryption keys that will be used to encrypt radio data to protect data
from unwanted eavesdroppers when WEP encryption is selected. This key should be
the same for all WI-MOD-xxx-E-5W modules in the same system.
The WEP key must be entered as pairs of hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.
Hexadecimal digits are in the range 0
–9 and A–F. 128-bit WEP encryption requires
26 hexadecimal digits. For example, 12:AB:EF:00:56:15:6B:E4:30:C8:05:F0:8D.
Encryption keys must not be all zeros (00:00:00:00:00).
Save Changes
Save changes to non-volatile memory. The module will need to be restarted before
the changes take effect.
Save Changes and
Save settings to non-volatile memory, and reboot the WI-MOD-xxx-E-5W
module. Once the module has completed the reboot sequence, all changes are
in effect.
WPA2 Encryption
WPA2-PSK, AES, (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) encryption has replaced WPA and provides significant security
improvements over this method. In particular, it introduces CCMP, a new Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
based encryption mode with strong security. WPA2 AES is the most secure encryption method, and is also based
on 128-bit encryption key.
When WPA encryption is selected on the Network page, the 128-bit encryption keys are internally generated based
on the passphrase and system address (ESSID) you enter. The passphrase can be entered on the Network page or
the on the Security configuration page (Figure 31).
Figure 31 WPA2 Configuration