User manual
English (EU)
01/03/2018 - ISSUE 2
(a) The following is an inexhaustive summary of relevant
aspects of the standard terms and conditions of Weeding
Technologies Ltd (“WTL”) and is subject to those terms and
conditions and to any special terms and conditions agreed
between the parties. Where this summary and WTL’s
standard terms and conditions conflict, those terms and
conditions take precedence (and any special terms and
conditions take precedence both over WTL’s standard terms
and conditions and over this document). You are advised to
read the full terms and conditions including so as to take
note of further exclusions of liability.
(b) In no case (without express written agreement, and save
as required by law) does WTL accept any liability towards
any perso
n other than the person (“you”) who originally
made the purchase from WTL or in respect of any alleged
defect not notified by you to WTL within 12 months from
You are notified that the standard warranty period given by
the manufacturer is 12 months from delivery.
(c) You must inspect all goods thoroughly with 7 days of
delivery. Subject to the rules set out in section 3 below, any
claim must be notified to WTL within 7 days of delivery or
(subject to clause (b) above) in the case of any defect which
is not reasonably apparent on inspection then within seven
days of the defect coming to your attention (or of the date
when the defect reasonably should have been apparent to
you, if earlier).
(d) Subject to section 3 below, WTL will have no liability if
you do not comply with the above.
(e) WTL’s options, in cases where it is liable, include
repairing or replacing defective goods and allowing you
credit for them. If WTL exercises such an option it has no
further liability. In any event, the liability of WTL is limited
to parts, freight and a limited amount of labour as set out in
WTL’s standard terms and conditions. Labour in excess of
such limits will be at your cost in any event.
(f) You must, if so requested in writing by WTL, at your risk
promptly return any goods the subject of any claim and any
packing materials securely packed and carriage paid to WTL
for examination. (If the claim is substantiated, WTL will
normally reimburse these costs)
(g) If any repairs, modifications, or adjustments are carried
out upon goods other than by WTL or personnel that hold a
valid training certificate or are an authorised sub-contractor
then WTL will have no liability in respect of those goods.
(h) WTL does not accept any liability to you for any loss or
damage of any nature except as expressly stated in the
standard terms and conditions (or in such terms and
conditions as may be specially agreed between you and
WTL). This means among other things that WTL has no
liability for consequential losses, property damage,
penalties, liquidated, exemplary or aggravated damages,
downtime, loss of goodwill, capital costs or any pure
economic loss.
(i) Subject to section 3 below, WTL does not accept any
liability for defects resulting from wear and tear, accident,
improper use or use except in accordance with the