User manual
English (EU)
01/03/2018 - ISSUE 2
ages that they are treating, as this impacts on the speed of
operation to deliver an effective kill.
For maximum efficacy, it is important that all weeds in the
target area are in contact with the hot foam. Either flatten
tall weeds i.e. by treading or use of the lance or ensure that
the stems are ‘ring barked’ (completely surrounded by a
blanket of foam). The density of the plants and foliage is a
very important aspect for the operator to be aware of, as
this also impacts on the speed of operation. It should be
As the height and/or density of the target plants
increases, the speed of operation will be slower.
In a situation where regular treatment of the area is
part of a maintenance programme the weeds will
generally be easier to treat as regrowth should be
Regular treatment also allows increased speed of
operation, as the volume of target plants to kill will be
minimised on each maintenance cycle.