1. As is illustrated above, reveal the hard drives by opening the top lid from the
rear edge.
2. Each hard drive is latched in place by an attached tray and the tray has a plastic
latch on one end.
▪ Gently press down on the plastic latch with your index
so that it
unlatches from the metal frame of the device.
▪ While gently pressing down on the plastic latch, grab the plastic tray with
and gently pull. The tray and hard drive should easily lift up or
slide out.
3. Once the hard drive and tray combination are completely removed from the
unit, remove the plastic tray from the hard drive.
▪ The tray is attached to the hard drive with four pins.
▪ As is illustrated above, gently
the tray so that the pins come out of the
sides of the hard drive. Remove and save the tray.
Do not
return a hard drive
to WD with the tray. The tray will not be returned to you.
Before adding a hard drive to your My Cloud Home Duo device, make sure there is
no hard drive in the slot where it will be installed. If you need to
remove a hard
drive, follow the instructions above.
Additional Features & Functions
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo
User Manual