Connection of the shield
For signal transmission always use shielded cables. The cable shielding must be connected properly
to the metal ring nut of the connector in order to ensure a good earthing through the frame of the
Ground connection
Minimize electronic noise by connecting the shield and/or the connector housing and/or the sensor
to ground. Make sure that ground is not affected by electronic noise. The connection point to ground
can be situated both on the device side and/or on user’s side. The best solution to minimize the inter-
ference must be carried out by the user.
0 VDC Power Supply and 0 VDC analog are internally connected.
START input
START input is used to execute the TEACH-IN procedure. It is active at HIGH logic level (voltage greater
than 10 V must be applied). For any further information on using the START and STOP inputs please
refer to the “TEACH-IN procedure” section.
+I out current analog output
+I out provides the current analog signal. AI1 output range is: min. quote = 4 mA, max. quote = 20 mA.
The increment at each step is as follows: 10-bit DAC
4...20 mA: 16000/1024 = 15.625 μA
+V out voltage analog output
+V out provides the voltage analog signal. AV2 output range is: min. quote = 0 V, max. quote = 10 V
The increment at each step is as follows: 10-bit DAC
0...10 V: 10000/1024 = 9.765 mV
STOP input
STOP input is used to execute the TEACH-IN procedure. It is active at HIGH logic level (voltage greater
than 10 V must be applied). For any further information on using the START and STOP inputs please
refer to the “TEACH-IN procedure” section.
Fault output
This Fault output is only available for AI1 current analog output. It is intended to show an error
condition such as a circuit break.
Please pay attention to the value of the R2 resistor.
Imax = 50 mA
R1 = 47 Ω
R2 = (VDC/I) - R1
No encoder error = transistor ON (conducting)
Encoder error = transistor OFF (open)