Control the player with folders and files
Oct 2021
Version : 2.1 (for firmware 1.11 or higher)
player executes the tags at the exit of the folder. If the number of files requested by this tag is greater
than the number of files contained in the folder, the player loops in the folder as long as needed in order
to play the exact number of files requested.
With this tag, the player memorizes the files already played. This means that the files already played
during a previous playback in the folder are not replayed until all files of the folder have been played.
The xxx parameter of the tag [NXTxxx] is the number of files to play in the folder. It is between 001 and
001[NXT003] : 3 files are played in the folder 001, then the player goes to STOP
002[NXT001][J000] : 1 file is played in the folder 002, then the player plays the folder 000
003[NXT005][RET] : 5 files are played in folder 003, then the player goes to the previous folder
004[NXT002][SEQ][J000] : 2 next files are played in the order in folder 004 then the player reads
folder 000
8.2.12. [SUBS x] and [SUBE x] - Define the settings to display subtitles at
the beginning or at the end of the playback
These tags define the settings to display subtitles at the beginning or at the end of the playback of a
folder. Parameter x can be:
ISO639-1, ISO639-2 or ISO639-3 code of the language to display in subtitles (ex : [SUBS ENG] select
and displays english at the start of the playback)
000[SUBS NONE] : videos of folder 000 are played at the power on. Subtitles are deactivated
001[SUBS AUTO] : videos of folder 001 are pllayed with subtitles defined in the global settings of the
8.2.13. [WEBS x] and [WEBE x] - Open a webpage at the beginning or at the
end of the folder playback
These tags open a webpage (visible or not) at the start or at the end of a folder playback. Parameter x is
the page index defined in the
8.2.14. [WEBS OFF] and [WEBE OFF] - Close a webpage at the beginning
or at the end of the folder playback
These tags close a webpage (visible or not) at the start or at the end of a folder playback.