Lync WQ-SF
SECTION 2: Installation and Operation
L- OMM-004_A
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Mineral Tanks Resin Loading Procedure
After the mineral tank skid(s) has been placed in the final position, and will not need to be moved
again, load the mineral tanks with gravel and resin media following the instructions below:
1. Inspect the distributor tubes and screens for damage, and make sure all screens are present
before loading the mineral tank with media. Before proceeding with installation, replace any
damaged components immediately.
2. Cap the top open end of the distributor tube with tape and plastic sheeting to keep all media
and foreign debris from entering the distributor tube. This cap must be secure and not come
off during media loading.
3. Place the distributor tube, screen end down, into the mineral tank and center it in the bottom.
The top of the distributor tube should be flush with the top of the tank. Test the tape cap to
make sure it cannot come off during the media loading process.
4. F
ill the mineral tank 1⁄3 full with water to prevent breakage of the distributor tube screens
during the media loading process.
5. Make sure the plastic and tape cap is secure to the top of the distributor tube, place a funnel
on the top of the tank and load first the gravel then the softening resin into the tank. The cap
must not come off of the distributor tube during the loading of the media. Refer to
Specifications table in section 1.2. for volume of resin required in each tank.
6. Remove the funnel from the top of the tank and remove the plastic cap and the tape from the
top of the distributor tube. DO NOT PULL UP ON THE DISTRIBUTOR TUBE when removing
the plastic cap and the tape. The distributor tube top must remain flush with the top of the
7. Clean any media from the threads and top of the mineral tank. Media in the threads and on
the O-ring sealing surface of the tank can cause tank thread damage and prevent the control
ve’s O-ring seal from sealing properly.
8. Lubricate the O-rings on the bottom of the control valve (distributor tube port O-ring and top
of tank O-ring). Use the Lync provided nonpetroleum based silicone lubricant only.
Avoid spilling any resin. The ion exchange resin is very slippery. Remove any spilled resin
10. Press the factory suppled black upper diffuser into the base of the control valve.
11. Place the control valve on top of the tank when performing this step, seat the top of the
distributor tube inside the distributor port located on the bottom of the control valve first, then
press the control valve down until the control valve threads come in contact with the tank
threads. This ensures that the distributor tube is properly seated into the bottom of the control
12. Tighten the control valve onto the tank with a clockwise rotation. Rotate the control valve freely
without using force clockwise until it comes to a stop (this position is considered zero). Rotate
the control valve clockwise from zero, between ¼ turn and 1/2 turn to fully tighten hand tight.
Be careful not to cross thread the control valve to tank connection or over tighten it. A hand
tight fit is appropriate for the control valve torque. DO NOT use a wrench. Tank or control
valve damage could result. DO NOT apply thread sealant or plumbing tape on the control
valve to tank threaded connection.