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The Live Wire EP can take off from the ground or be hand-launched. We recommend ground take-offs only from hard,
smooth surfaces or very short grass.
Taking Off from the Ground
With the airplane pointing into the wind, apply full power and feed in right rudder to keep the airplane tracking straight as it
rolls down the runway. Once sufficient airspeed has been reached, gently apply up elevator to lift the airplane off the
ground. Climb out straight ahead in a shallow climb to build up speed. Do not make any steep turns right after take-off or
you may stall the airplane.
Hand-Launching should always be done into the wind.
To hand-launch the airplane, gently grasp the belly pan at the C.G. location using your thumb and forefingers. Hold the
airplane above shoulder level and turn on the motor to full power. With the motor running at full power, firmly throw the
airplane straight ahead and level. Do not throw it up at an angle or throw it too hard or out of control. Let the airplane fly
straight and level to pick up airspeed, then climb to your desired altitude. Be careful not to climb too steeply after hand-
launching or you could stall the airplane.
In the Air
In the air the Live Wire EP is smooth and predictable. At full power, the motor and gear box produce enough torque to
pull the airplane through just about any maneuver you want. You'll find that the airplane is responsive to control inputs
and handles light winds with ease. When trimmed and set up properly, the Live Wire EP goes where you put it and tracks
like it's on rails. With the C.G. set toward the back of the range, snap rolls are crisp and very little elevator input is
necessary for inverted flight. And because of the generous fuselage side area and highly effective rudder, knife edge
flight is very easy. All this results in an airplane that's easier to fly during more difficult maneuvers like 4-point rolls,
rolling circles and slow rolls, and more extreme 3D style aerobatics.
Landings should always be done into the wind.
Prepare for landing by reducing power and making a shallow turn into the wind. With the airplane on final approach it will
begin to slow down and descend. With the airplane descending, apply small amounts of up elevator to slow the airplane's
speed. Just before touch-down, turn the motor off and let the airplane settle near the ground. Flair just before touch-down
and you will be rewarded with a soft landing. As always, when landing, be careful not to over-control. Over-controlling
leads to excessive oscillations which don't make for good landings. Because the Live Wire EP is light and aerodynamically
clean, its glide ratio will be higher than what you might expect. For the first couple of landing approaches we suggest that
you give the airplane a little more room than normal until you get used to the long glide path to touchdown.