Watlow PM LEGACY™ Limit Controller
Chapter 8 Features
Formulas used by the User and the Administrator to calculate the Password follows:
Passwords equal:
7. User
a. If Rolling Password
is Off, Password
p a ss
equals User Password
b. If Rolling Password
is On, Password
p a ss
equals: (
p a s . u
x code) Mod 929 + 70
8. Administrator
a. If Rolling Password
is Off, Password
p a ss
equals User Password
b. If Rolling Password
is On, Password
p a ss
equals: (
p a s .A
x code) Mod 997 + 1000
Differences Between a User Without Password, User With Password and Administrator
- User without a password is restricted by the Locked Access Level
- A User with a password is restricted by the Read Lockout Security
never having
access to the Lock Menu
- An Administrator is restricted according to the Read Lockout Security
however, the
Administrator has access to the Lock Menu where the Read Lockout can be changed.
Modbus - Using Programmable Memory Blocks
When using the Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP protocols, the PM control features a block of address-
es that can be configured by the user to provide direct access to a list of 40 user configured parame-
ters. This allows the user easy access to this customized list by reading from or writing to a contiguous
block of registers.
To acquire a better understanding of the tables found in the back of this manual (
See Appendix:
Modbus Programmable Memory Blocks) please read through the text below which defines the column
headers used.
Assembly Definition Addresses
- Fixed addresses used to define the parameter that will be stored in the “Working Addresses”, which
may also be referred to as a pointer. The value stored in these addresses will reflect (point to) the
Modbus address of a parameter within the PM control.
Assembly Working Addresses
- Fixed addresses directly related to their associated “Assembly Definition Addresses” (i.e., Assembly
Working Addresses 200 & 201 will assume the parameter pointed to by Assembly Definition Ad-
dresses 40 & 41).
When the Modbus address of a target parameter is stored in an “Assembly Definition Address” its cor-
responding working address will return that parameter’s actual value. If it’s a writable parameter, writing
to its working register will change the parameter’s actual value. As an example, Modbus register 360
represents the Analog Input Value (See Operations Page, Analog Input Menu). If the value 360 is load-
ed into Assembly Definition Address 90 and value 361 is loaded into Assembly Definition Address 91,
the value sensed by Analog Input 1 will also be stored in Modbus registers 250 and 251. Notice that by
default this parameter is also stored in working registers 240 and 241 as well.
When modifying the Modbus Assembly registers, single register writes (function 06) are not allowed.
Multiple register writes (function 16) must be used to modify the assembly.
The table identified as “Assembly Definition Addresses and Assembly Working Addresses” (see Appen-
dix: Modbus Programmable Memory Blocks) reflects the assemblies and their associated addresses.