Watlow F4T Install & Troubleshooting
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 1: Overview
Available F4T Literature and Resources
Document Title and Part Number
F4T Setup and Operation User Guide,
part number:
This document looks deeper at the system con-
figuration using Composer software and the F4T
function blocks and their connections. Com-
mon product usage is described and illustrated
through application examples.
F4T Specification Sheet, part number:
Describes F4T hardware options, features, ben-
efits and technical specifications.
Watlow Application Guide
Comprehensive guide to understanding thermal
principles, electrical noise, best practises for wir-
ing industrial controls and much more.
Watlow Support Tools DVD,
part num-
Contains all related user documents, tutorial vid-
eos, application notes and the application guide
described above.
To acquire one or more of these documents navigate to the Watlow website where you will
have a choice to download free copies or purchase printed versions. Click on the link be-
low to find your document of choice:
For the Application
Your Comments are Appreciated
In an effort to continually improve our technical literature and ensuring that we are pro-
viding information that is useful to you, we would very much appreciate your comments
and suggestions. Please send any comments you may have to the following e-mail address:
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your Watlow controller, review your configuration infor
mation to verify that your selections are consistent with your application: inputs, outputs,
alarms, limits, etc. If the problem persists, you should first contact the Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) for assistance. If that is not an option you can also get assistance direct
ly from Watlow:
• Contact a local representative: see last page
Email: [email protected]
Call: 1-800-4WATLOW (1-800-492-8569) or +1 (507) 494-5656 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central
Standard Time (CST) (Select options for Controls & Software and Technical Support)
Please have the following information available when calling:
• Complete model number
• User’s Guide
• All configuration information