CORTECS and CORTECS Premier 2.7
m Columns
c. Manufacturing Information
Figure 6. The eCord chip provides
the user with QC test conditions
and results on the column run by
the manufacturer. The information
includes mobile phases, running
conditions, and analytes used
to test the columns. In addition,
the QC results and acceptance
is placed onto the column.
Figure 5. The eCord chip provides the user with
an overview of the bulk material QC test results.
Figure 7. An example of column use information provided by the eCord chip.
d. Column Use Information
The eCord chip provides the customer with column use
data. The top of the screen identifies the column including
chemistry type, column dimensions and serial number. The
overall column usage information includes the total number
of samples, total number of injections, total sample sets, date
of first injection, date of last injection, maximum pressure, and
temperature. The information also details the column history
by sample set including date started, sample set name, user
name, system name, number of injections in the sample set,
number of samples in the sample set, maximum pressure, and
temperature in the sample set and if the column met basic
system suitability requirements. Up to 50 sample sets can be
stored on the eCord chip.
a. Tips for Maximizing CORTECS Column Lifetimes
1. To maximize CORTECS Column lifetime, pay close
attention to:
Water quality (including water purification system)
Solvent quality
Mobile-phase preparation, storage, and age
Sample, buffer, and mobile-phase solubilities
Sample quality and preparation
2. It is recommended to monitor your systems health by
incorporating a quality control (QC) reference material
into your work flow. (Reference 720004535en)
3. When problems arise, often only one improper practice
must be changed.
4. Always remember to:
Use in-line filter unit or, preferably,
a VanGuard Cartridge.
Discourage bacterial growth by minimizing the use
of 100% aqueous mobile phases where possible.
Change aqueous mobile phase every 24–48 hours
(if 100% aqueous mobile phase use is required).
Discard old 100% aqueous mobile phases every
24–48 hours to discourage bacterial growth.
Add 5–10% organic modifier to mobile
phase A and adjust gradient profile.
Filter aqueous portions of mobile phase
through 0.2 µm filter.
Maintain your water purification system so that
it is in good working order.
Only use ultra pure water (18 megohm-cm) water and