CORTECS and CORTECS Premier 2.7
m Columns
limited method flexibility other than isocratic column testing.
2. Determine the number of theoretical plates (N) and use
this value for periodic comparisons.
3. Repeat the test at predetermined intervals to track column
performance over time. Slight variations may be observed
due to differences in the quality of the connections, operating
environment, system electronics, reagent quality, column
condition, and operator technique.
e. Column QR Code
The quick reference (QR) code that is located on the column
label provides column-specific information (i.e., the part and
serial numbers that are unique identifiers for the column), and
its encoding follows a widely adopted industry-standard.
1. Scan QR code using any device that is capable of
scanning QR codes (i.e., for smart phones and tablets,
use the built-in camera app).
2. Be directed to the column’s information hub
on waters.com.
3. Access technical and scientific information for the column
(i.e., certificate of analysis, application notes).
f. CORTECS Columns — VanGuard Protection
For CORTECS Columns, a separate guard holder
and guard cartridge can be easily attached to the inlet
of the column.
For more information on VanGuard products,
g. VanGuard FIT Cartridges
The VanGuard FIT Cartridge is designed specifically
for CORTECS Premier Columns.
For the CORTECS Premier Columns that have a VanGuard FIT
Cartridge, the VanGuard FIT Cartridge may be replaced using
two 3/8” wrenches. Simply apply the wrenches to the flats on
the guard and column end nut and turn in a counter clockwise
direction (see Figure 1). This will allow the VanGuard FIT
Cartridge to be removed and appropriately discarded when
following good laboratory practices.
A new VanGuard FIT Cartridge can now be used to replace
the discarded one. Hand-tighten the new cartridge in a
clockwise direction, then tighten using two 3/8” wrenches.
Proper sealing should not require more than a 1/4 turn past
the hand-tightened position.
Flats used to tighten
guard to column
Figure 2. Recommended 3/8” wrench placement to remove the VanGuard
FIT Cartridge from the CORTECS Premier VanGuard FIT Column.
Figure 1. Connection of the VanGuard Cartridge Column,
VanGuard Cartridge Holder, and analytical column.
Place 3/8-inch wrench here
Place 7/16-inch wrench here
Place 5/16-inch wrench here
Cartridge Holder
HPLC Column