In northern climates, outdoor humidity levels are very low when the
outside air temperatures are low. Even in well-insulated homes, this dry
air makes its way inside through exhaust fans, dryer vents, open doors,
and leaks around windows. Problems associated with dry indoor air dur-
ing heating include:
• Dry nasal passages
• Discomfort at normal room temperatures
• Drying and cracking of woodwork, wood floors, trim, doors
• Damage to wooden musical instruments (e.g. pianos, string instru-
ments, etc.)
• Increased heating costs
• Annoying static shocks
The Desert Spring power humidifier is an excellent solution to avoid
these problems. This accessory is easily mounted on the duct work near
the unit. Humidity levels are easily controlled with a humidistat.
One of the key benefits to proper humidity levels during heating is improved comfort. Homes that are too dry require
that the thermostat be set at a higher setting to maintain a warm feeling. Dry air causes a cooling effect due to the
moisture on your skin evaporating. With proper humidity levels, you’ll find that you can actually decrease the setting
on your thermostat during heating and still have a very comfortable living environment.
Unlike most other whole house humidifiers, the Desert Spring humidifier contains no pads that require cleaning or
replacement. Instead, water is distributed over a rotating disk wheel. Air passing through the humidifier picks up the
moisture from the disk wheel, and is routed into the home through the duct system providing valuable moisture. Be-
cause of the design, all of the water used in the unit is transferred into the home. Other models and styles of humidi-
fiers require a continuous flow of water, of which only a portion is actually absorbed into the air stream and delivered
into the home, wasting hundreds of gallons of water throughout the season.
Maintenance is minimal. Unless you have particularly hard water, you will most likely not have to clean the basin
or drum during the heating season. For applications with harder water, an automatic flush option is available which
automatically purges the basin at regular intervals.
To clean the system (and at the end of the heating season), follow these steps:
• Turn off the humidifier using the humidistat.
• Shut off the water supply to the humidifier.
• Drain the humidifier.
• Open the cover and carefully remove the disk wheel. Wipe down the basin and disk wheel with a vinegar/
water solution or a mild household cleaner. Rinse.
• Replace the disk wheel, close the cover and ensure that the drain is closed.
Remember to turn on the water supply and set the humidistat to the required setting at the beginning of the next
heating season.
For more information on the Desert Spring humidifier, contact your dealer.