Horizontal Loops
Horizontal earth loops are used where the space allowed for
the loop is not extremely limited. There are various designs of
horizontal loops. There is not one type of horizontal loop that
is best for every application. The selection of which type to use
should be based on system size, space available, soil condi-
tions and the type of excavating equipment used. Regardless
of the type selected, operating costs will not vary substantially.
If you have this loop type, record information here:
Number of trenches or horizontal bores: _____
Length of each trench: _____
Number of pipes in trench: _____ Pipe size: _____
Vertical Loops
Vertical loops are used where space is limited or where soil con-
ditions are not conducive to horizontal loops. Installing vertical
loops requires the use of a drilling rig. Multiple holes are bored.
A double pipe connected with a U-bend is inserted into each
hole. The hole is the filled with grout to provide good contact
around the pipe and to seal the hole. The vertical pipes are then
connected to a header system horizontally a few feet below the
If you have this loop type, record information here:
Number of bore holes: _____
Depth of each bore hole: _____ Pipe size: _____
Pond Loops
Pond loops are a cost effective way to install a geothermal sys-
tem, because trenching is limited to only the supply and return
piping from the pond to the house.
Pond loops consist of a series of coils connected together, and
placed at the bottom of the pond. In order for a pond to be suit-
able for a geothermal application for a typical home, the pond
should be at least ½ acre in surface area and at least 8 ft. deep,
even during a dry spell. Ideally, the pond should be close to the
home (less than 200 ft.). If the pond is farther from the home,
the benefit of using a pond loop is reduced due to added trench-
ing, materials and pumping costs.
If you have this loop type, record information here:
Number of coils: _____ Pipe size: _____
Depth of pond where coils are located: _____
Water Supply for all Closed Loops
Closed loops require no regular maintenance. However, if you notice air noise within the piping or if your loop is
ever damaged by excavation, contact your dealer.
Closed Loop Systems