If my system includes an Auxiliary Heater, what does it do and why was it used?
Your system may include an Auxiliary Heater (mounted either internally or externally depending on the model)
which is used for two purposes:
• To supply back-up heat during cold outdoor temperatures
• To provide emergency heat if the unit’s compressor fails
Generally, dealers will size the geothermal unit to provide the majority of the heating requirements down to a certain
outdoor air temperature. When conditions exist that require more capacity than the geothermal unit is sized to
deliver, the auxiliary heater engages to assist the geothermal unit (which continues to work). If the unit were to be
sized to provide 100% of the heat on the coldest day, the unit would be “oversized” every day that isn’t the coldest
day of the year. Plus, the initial cost of installation could have been significantly more for a larger unit and additional
loop. Your dealer has determined the right combination/size of equipment that makes economic sense in terms of
installation cost and operating cost.
The other reason for the Auxiliary Heater is to provide heating in the event of a compressor failure. Switching to
Emergency Heat mode on your thermostat will provide the home with a source of heat until the compressor is
Does my unit heat water?
Some units are equipped with a “hot water assist” component. This component preheats water by raising the
temperature 5º - 10º F and then delivers it to your water heater using a small pump. The "hot water assist" is not
designed to heat water like your water heater. However, a unit equipped with a "hot water assist" heats water much
than your water heater to provide energy savings whenever the unit is heating or cooling. The
amount of hot water generated by the "hot water assist" is a function of how long the unit is running and in what
mode it is in. With the "hot water assist", more water is heated in the cooling mode than in the heating mode.
more information, see page 47.
What if I run out of hot water?
Units equipped with hot water generators provide only
water heating. Your water heater will operate if
the unit is not heating the water enough. This will ensure that you have an adequate supply of hot water. If you run
out of hot water, it is most likely a problem with the water heater and not the geothermal unit.
How do I know where my earth loop is located?
Earth loops can be installed in several configurations depending on the space available. The company who installed
your loop should provide you with a layout of the loop field, with measurements & locations of each circuit length
based on fixed locations (e.g. the corners of the house). Some loop contractors install metallic tape or tracer wire in
the trench to assist in future locating. Keep this document, and refer to it before doing any digging or excavating in
the area of the loop. It is also recommended that you sketch out the loop location onto the grid on page 13.
Is maintenance required for the earth loop?
No regular maintenance is required. However, if you notice air noise within the piping or if your loop is ever dam-
aged by excavation, contact your WaterFurnace dealer.
Should I use the Continuous Fan mode?
In Continuous Fan mode, your blower operates constantly, even when the unit is not heating or cooling. The
Continuous Fan mode (selected on your thermostat) can reduce hot spots or cold spots throughout the home by
constantly mixing the air. Indoor air quality is also improved due to continuous filtration. Using Continuous Fan
mode in units equipped with ECM blowers is very inexpensive. However, using Continuous Fan mode in units
equipped with PSC blowers is considerably more expensive and will noticeably increase operating costs.