The following section (pages 19 to 28) highlights important information about operating and maintaining your sys-
tem. It contains information on using your thermostat, homeowner maintenance including a recommended sched-
ule, and troubleshooting. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, contact your WaterFurnace dealer.
General Thermostat Information
The main control (or interface) between you and your WaterFurnace unit is the thermostat. Page 19 shows the
more common thermostats used. However, other thermostats are available. To find the specific instructions for your
thermostat, refer to page 19. Due to space limitations, some thermostat information may not be listed in this manual.
Each thermostat comes with its own instruction guide for additional information.
Electronic thermostats are widely used in today’s heating and cooling systems, replacing old electro-mechanical
models containing mercury. In addition to providing more precise temperature control, electronic thermostats can
also include many more features and options, along with a more aesthetically-pleasing look. Although these thermo-
stats are significantly more high tech, you’ll find that they are easy to operate.
Note: Most thermostats have an automatic minimum
temperature separation (in degrees) from the heat-
ing setpoint to the cooling setpoint. This is necessary
so the unit cannot continuously switch back and forth
between heating and cooling when the thermostat is set
in the automatic changeover mode. This separation is
called the “dead band”, and is usually 2 degrees F. For
example, if you place your cooling setpoint at 72, your
heating setpoint cannot be higher than 70. If you would
then increase your heating setpoint from 70 to 72, your
cooling setpoint would automatically increase by that
same 2 degrees to 74.
Your electronic thermostat is designed to provide precise
comfort. To get the best comfort from your system it is recom-
mended that you resist the temptation to frequently adjust the
thermostat. Simply find a comfortable setting for heating and
cooling, and let the system do the rest to provide you with
many years of energy savings without sacrificing comfort.
Most homeowners prefer setpoints in heating from 70 to 72,
and from 73 to 75 during cooling.