8.913-970.0 - L • WATERMAZE CLP 5024/7034
that if a solid “puck” of chlorine is used, the total effective-
ness of the puck is superior to that of hypochlorite and
no negative by-products are produced.
Step 1
Collect a water sample from tank #1.
: Be sure that the water is circulating
from the sump through the CLP system and
back to the catch basin.
Step 2
Using the test strips supplied, measure:
A. The
B. The total chlorine (if using chlorine).
C. The free chlorine (if using chlorine).
D. The alkalinity (if needed).
E. The calcium hardness (if needed).
Step 3
If the pH is 6.8-7.2 go to Step 4, if not, adjust
the pH in the water being recycled between the
oil water separator and the pit to pH 6.8-7.2.
Muriatic acid or liquid alum can be used to
lower the pH. Soda ash (sodium carbonate) or
caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) can be used
to raise the pH.
Adjust the pH gradually allowing complete mix-
ing after adding chemical. Take a new sample,
read the pH and continue to adjust gradually
until the desired pH is achieved.
Step 4
The total alkalinity should be between 50-150
ppm. If the total alkalinity is too low add sodium
bicarbonate to raise it. If total alkalinity is too
high, add muriatic acid to bring it within accept-
able range. This will also decrease the pH. If
the pH goes below 7.0, add sodium bicarbon-
ate to increase the pH. This procedure may
have to be repeated several times to get the
pH and a total alkalinity into the proper range.
Step 5
The calcium hardness should not exceed 25
grains. If it is too high, some water must be
removed from the system and fresh makeup
water added. Alternatively, an ion exchange
water softener or an ionizer may have to be
added to the system to reduce and maintain
lower calcium hardness levels.
Step 6
Free chlorine levels should be 1-2 ppm if chlo-
rine is added for additional control. A 10-50%
concentrated liquid chlorine is available at
pool supply outlets. Household bleach can be
used, but contains only 5% chlorine. Chlorine
continually dissipates and becomes used up
and the chlorine level must be adjusted daily.
Remember chlorine is most effective when the
pH level is correct (6.8-7.2).
Initially, in order to achieve proper water chemistry bal-
ance, extra time is needed. However, once achieved, it
can be easily maintained in a minimum amount of time
by daily monitoring and adjustment.