The material pressure should not exceed 6 bar. The air pressure should not exceed
6 bar. Otherwise the operational reliability of the spray gun will be impaired.
It is important to remember to relieve the spray gun of all pressures when work is
terminated. Lines left under pressure may burst and the released material may injure
any persons in the vicinity.
Spray Pattern Test
Spray pattern tests should be performed whenever:
the spray gun is taken into operation for the first time
the spraying medium has been changed
the spray gun was taken apart for maintenance or repair works.
The spray pattern is best tested using a workpiece sample, a sheet of metal,
cardboard or paper.
Keep your hands or other parts of the body away from the spray gun nozzle under
pressure - risk of injury.
Make sure that no other people are in the spraying zone when the spray gun is
started - risk of injury.
1. Start the gun to produce a spray pattern sample (see
5.2 Requirements at the
Start and Finish of Operation
2. Inspect the sample and, if necessary, adjust the settings of the gun (see
Spray Pattern Adjustment
Spray Pattern Adjustment
The spray pattern of the Pilot III 2-K can be adjusted as follows:
Adjusting the Material Flow Rate
The material flow rate can be adjusted by turning the adjusting screw (Item 22). The
material flow is increased by turning it to the left (screwing out), decreased by turning
it to the right (screwing in).
Adjusting the Material Pressure
The material pressure can only be adjusted at the pump or the pressure tank. Please
follow the instructions and safety instructions issued by the manufacturer.
Retooling the Spray Gun / Repairs
Air cap, material nozzle and needle packing, all chosen for a particular spraying
material, together form a unit - the nozzle insert assembly. Always change the
complete insert assembly to maintain the desired spray finish quality.
Air and material inputs must be shut off prior to retooling - risk of injury.
Please refer to the exploded view (page 2) of this manual to perform the steps
detailed below.
Replacement of Material Nozzle and Air Cap
1. Unscrew the air cap retaining nut (Item 1).
2. Remove the air cap (Item 2a / 2b).
3. Remove the material nozzle (Item 3) from the gun body, using wrench (width
over flats 12)
4. Remove the seal (Item 5) from the material nozzle.
Reassembly of the new nozzle insert and the remaining parts is performed in
reverse order.
Replacement of Material Needle (Component A)
1. Unscrew the adjusting screw (Item 22).
2. Remove the spring (Item 21).
3. Remove the material needle (Item 18) from the gun body.
Reassembly is performed in reverse order. The distance between the tip of the
material needle for the initial air inlet and the driving sleeve should be 76.5 mm.
Replacement of Material Needle (Component B)
1. Unscrew the two U-bolts (Item 15) with a screwdriver.
2. Unscrew the collar nuts (Item 17) (width over flats 9).
3. Remove the holder for the trigger (Item 16).
4. Unscrew the material needle (Item 14).
5. Remove the spring (Item 13) together with thrust washer.
Reassembly is performed in reverse order.