Function Description 31
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 53 /Serie 787 (EPSITRON)/F unkti onsbeschrei bung/Sig nal ausg ang 787- 2861 @ 23\mod_1436260372498_21.docx @ 185433 @ 2 @ 1
Signal Output S2
The channel status can be queried at the signal output. This signal output is
short-circuit-proof and has a common potential with the power supply ground.
If the electronic circuit breaker is triggered, the signal output signals this by a low
signal (0 V). The signal outputs of up to 30 devices can be connected in parallel
and serve as a common signal.
With the 787-2861/0108-0020 electronic circuit breaker, the behavior of the
signal output can be modified. For more information about this refer to the
Section “Configuration (only 787-2861/0108-0020).”