761-314 TO-PASS® Mobile, 4 AI
Version 2.0.0
Pos : 34.22 / Serie 759 ( WAG O-Soft ware)/T O-PASS Konfig urati onssoft ware/ Parametrier ung/ Par ametrierung Stör melder @ 3\ mod_1223556121625_21. doc x @ 23732 @ 2 @ 1
Configuring Error Detectors
telecontrol module can transmit error messages to a maximum of
four recipients. The recipients are informed either directly one after another or (if
configured) after expiration of the time delay for acknowledgment. The message
is sent by the
telecontrol module as an SMS; however, it can also be
sent as an e-mail, fax or voice mail. In addition, the error messages can also be
transmitted to a Web portal.
Device-dependent Function
Devices with GPRS functionality (device identifier "Web") are required to
transmit error messages to a Web portal.
Note the calculation packet size!
Please note the information given on calculation packet size in the Section
"Important Information - Rounding of Blocks for GPRS Links."
Pos : 34.23 / Serie 759 ( WAG O-Soft ware)/T O-PASS Konfig urati onssoft ware/ Parametrier ung/ Par ametrierung Stör melder DI @ 3\ mod_1223556210625_21.doc x @ 23735 @ 3 @ 1
Alarm Messages for Digital Inputs
If on or off states of digital inputs are to be sent as error messages, select the
desired recipient for the respective input statuses using buttons
button to also transmit the message to a Web portal.
In addition, you can also specify the analog values that are to be transmitted along
with the error message.
Pos : 34.24 / Serie 759 ( WAG O-Soft ware)/T O-PASS Konfig urati onssoft ware/ Parametrier ung/ Par ametrierung Stör melder CI @ 13\ mod_1350906826660_21. doc x @ 105170 @ 3 @ 1
Limit Messages for Counter Inputs
If violations of upper/lower counter limits are to be sent as error messages,
activate the respective counter value and select the desired recipient using buttons
Click the
button to also transmit the message to a Web portal.
You can also specify the analog values that are to be transmitted along with the
error message.
Pos : 34.25 / Serie 759 ( WAG O-Soft ware)/T O-PASS Konfig urati onssoft ware/ Parametrier ung/ Par ametrierung Stör melder AI @ 3\ mod_1223556347281_21. doc x @ 23738 @ 3 @ 1
Limit Messages for Analog Inputs
You can specify a maximum of 2 limit values for every analog input for which
(upper/lower) limit value violations are to be sent as error messages.
Enter the desired value and select whether the error message is to be sent for
violation of the upper or lower limit value using the buttons [
Select the desired recipient for the respective limit value using the buttons
[1] …