To install the GSM-CTL, you need to power on the board with AC/DC 9V-12V. and also
connect the relay output according to your project. The relay contacts can stand
230V 30A
, this is enough for its operation but
don't try to switch higher voltages or currents
You should install the GSM-CTL in a place where there is GSM signal coming from the operator
you want to use. Check it with a phone before proceeding with the installation. If you need to
install the device in a place with little signal, you may consider using an external antenna that we
may supply as an option to be purchased separately with 50cm cable.
You should then insert the SIM Card of the operator you want to use with the right direction
according to the following pictures.
!Note! : You must remove the PIN request from the SIM before inserting it in the unit
otherwise the device will not work. In order to do so, insert the SIM in a phone and disable the
PIN request (usually there is a security menu that enables you to do so).
You can program the GSM-CTL with SMS commands using your phone. It is safe to do so
because in addition to the fact that other people may not know the number of the SIM inserted in
it, we also use a Password that makes it impossible for anybody who doesn't know it to access the
system by chance.
There are three LED: D2 D4 D6 on the board.
That is used to show the working status of the
device. D6 is used to show the GSM Module
working status , D4 is used to show the MCU
controller working status, D2 is used to show the
Relay status, also when the relay is off, if
incoming a SMS message,D2 will flash quicly to
show the incoming message and also following
three slow flash to show the send out reply SMS.
Normally D6 is flashing quickly when power up and after about some minutes,it will go to
flash slowly about 2 seconds per time.
1.Slide back the SIM door and lift it up
2.Slide the SIM Card into the SIM door making sure that the clipped corner of the SIM card
lines up with the clipped corner of the SIM holder
3.Close the SIM door
4.Slide the SIM door to lock the SIM card in place