ECU converter PBS Version: 1.3
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The voltage for the VSpeak ECU Converter is supplied by the receiver. Valid turbine data is
only displayed when the turbine is switched on.
If the EDT is connected, data will be transmitted between EDT and VSpeak ECU Converter.
Thus, the turbine data is not updated with connected EDT. The Data LED indicates the currently
active data connection.
The telemetry of the ECU Converter can be switched between the systems Jeti Duplex EX,
HoTT, Multiplex and Futaba, see section 2.0.
The ECU Converter for spectrum comes with the special XBus connector, so no switching for
another telemetry system is possible here. By connecting the EDT a version display is shown
by the ECU converter, followed by the System display after a short initialization:
Selection of the telemetry system
The telemetry system can be adjusted by the EDT.
After the EDT is connected (turbine and receiver are turned on), the version display of ECU
converter is shown, followed by the display of the currently selected remote control system
after a brief EDT initialization.
With the UP / DOWN buttons of the EDT the desired remote control system can be changed
and optionally other settings are made with the SET button.
The settings are saved.
For safety, the telemetry output of the ECU converter is deactivated every time the system
changes. After reboot data is available at the telemetry output in the format of the selected
remote control system.
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> PowerBox P2 <
section 2.2.3
section 2.4.5
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> > Futaba < <
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> Jet i Dup l ex EX <
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> Mul t i pl ex MSB <
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> Graupner Hott<
section 2.5.4
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> > Futaba V10 < <
section 2.6.3
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> > FrSKY < <
section 2.7.2
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> > JR PROPO < <
VSpeak ECU-Conv .
--PBS VB-- V1 . 3
section 2.9.3
PBS Ve l ka B i tes
> > Spektrum < <
VSpeak ECU-Conv .
--PBS VB-- V1 . 3