P/N: 4MB020-010
©2003 Vortech Engineering, LLC
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
06DEC02 V1.0(4MB HP500 v1.0)
A. Disconnect the two connectors that connect to
the engines computer located next to the dis-
tributor on the starboard side.
B. Remove the computer and install the new one.
(See Fig. 7-a.) Reconnect the two connectors.
C. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the two
screws securing the MAP sensor to the upper
intake manifold (the MAP sensor is located on
the top port side of the manifold). Carefully
remove the MAP sensor from the manifold.
D. Remove the rubber grommet from the stock MAP
sensor and install it on the one provided.
E. Install the new MAP sensor back onto the mani-
fold using the stock hardware.
F. Using a GM pin removal tool (purchased sepa-
rately) Remove the three pins from the stock
connector and install the new connector. (See
Fig. 7-b.)
G. Reconnect the new plug to the MAP sensor.
Fig. 7-a
Fig. 7-b
Write down the color combination with re-
gards to pin location or remove only one
pin at a time to avoid improper installation.