Voom Technologies, Inc. © 2007-2013 Proprietary
3.3.4 SHA-256 Hash Algorithm
The SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function designed by the National Security
Agency (NSA). SHA is an abbreviation for
Secure Hash Algorithm
. Regarding
the SuperDuper unit, this hash value can be thought of as a “digital fingerprint” of
the data contained on a specific drive. The SHA is used to verify that multiple
drives contain identical information.
3.3.5 Host Protected Area
The Host Protected Area (HPA) feature provides a method for hiding data on a
disk drive. The SuperDuper
Hard Drive Duplicating Unit will recognize the
presence of data hidden by a HPA on the source drive and automatically copy
both the configuration itself along with the associated data to each of the target
drives. It will also recognize the presence of a HPA configuration on each of the
target drives and automatically remove it.
Note: Because of the way that the HPA feature works, a power cycle (e.g.,
Powering off the SuperDuper unit) may be required whenever managing
data hidden by a HPA.
3.3.6 Device Configuration Overlay
The Device Configuration Overlay (DCO) feature set provides yet another way to
hide data on a disk drive. The SuperDuper Hard Drive Duplicating Unit will
recognize the presence of data hidden by a DCO on the source drive and
automatically copy both the configuration information itself along with the
associated data to each of the target drives. It will also recognize the presence
of a DCO configuration on each of the target drives and automatically remove it.
Note: Because of the way that the DCO feature works, an unexpected
power interruption (e.g., switching the SuperDuper unit off while executing
a data transfer command) will result in the loss of the DCO configuration
on the source drive. Therefore, make sure that you always allow the clone
to finish or
the clone prior to powering off the SuperDuper unit.