Voom Technologies, Inc. © 2007-2013 Proprietary
5.3 Verify Drives Command
This command is used to verify that the information copied to each of the target
drives is identical to that of the source drive. Verify calculates a SHA-256 hash
on each of the target drives and verifies that each of the resulting values match
the hash value associated with the source drive. In addition, this command also
displays the actual SHA-256 value at the end of the verify operation so that it can
be referenced for future disk operations.
Note: This command will not verify the data stored in either a Host
Protected Area (HPA) or a Device Configuration Overlay (DCO), as
unlocking the hidden area of a drive once it has been duplicated could
jeopardize the data that is stored in the protected area.
5.4 Wipe Drives Command
This command is used to erase all of the data from each of the target drives
installed. It fills each of the sectors with a zero data pattern. If one of the target
drives is larger that another, the wipe operation will automatically continue until
each of the installed target drives is completely wiped, including the largest one
The processing of either a Host Protected Area (HPA) or a Device Configuration
Overlay (DCO) is automatically handled by the SuperDuper Hard Drive
Duplicating Unit. If either a HPA or DCO exists on any of the target drives, it will
automatically be removed during the processing of the Wipe operation.
5.5 Remove HPA Command
Older revisions of the ATA specification limit the configuration or removal of an
HPA to once per power cycle of the hard drive. To accommodate all hard drives
this command will instruct the user to power off the SuperDuper if it finds and
removes an HPA one or more of the target drives. HPAs are also automatically
removed prior to performing a Clone operation. If none of the target drives
contain a HPA, no power cycling will be required.
5.6 Remove DCO Command
This command is used remove the DCO from each of the target drives. Unlike
HPAs, DCOs can be reconfigured multiple times without power cycling a hard
drive. The SuperDuper unit will automatically reconfigure or remove DCOs while
processing a Clone or Wipe command.