5. Call Log
[Call Log]/[Call Length Per Day]
[Call Log]/[Call Length Per Day] menu shows the statistics on total incoming call,
outgoing call, call length, total call count and total length per day. And, the length
can be searched by certain date.
Figure 5-3. [Call Log]/[Call Length Per Day] View Frame
Call Length Per Day
Table 5-3. Call Length per Day Display Menu
Date Date
In. Count
Number of incoming call
In. Length
Total length of all incoming call
Out .Count
Number of outgoing call
Out. Length
Total length of all outgoing call
Total Count
Number of total incoming & outgoing call per day
Total Length
Total length of call per day
[Call Log]/[Call Length Per No.]
[Call Log]/[Call Length Per No.] shows the statistics on total incoming call,
outgoing call, call length, total call count and total length per each phone number.
And, the length can be searched by certain phone number or date.