25 / 32
2 - Microphone action
The central button can have a number of operating modes:
- Latch: press to switch the microphone from Microphone On to Microphone Off; the
microphone status displays on the terminal LCD
- Push to talk: the microphone is On for as long as the button is pushed and held.
To note: it is implemented a latency of a second at the closing of the microphone after
release of the button. This avoids any audio interruptions even with unwanted release
of the pressing of the button during a conversation.
- Latch /Push-To-Talk: combination of Latch and Push-to-Talk functions
A short press switches from Microphone On to Microphone Off.
If the microphone is Off, press and hold this button to switch to Microphone On.
- Push to mute: The microphone is Off for as long as the button is pushed and held
3 - Alarm Mode
Whenever the product receives a call from another terminal or from a paired Blue-
tooth device, it can notify the user depending on the configured mode.
The modes available are:
Silent: Flashing screen only
Vibration: the terminal vi visual notification on LCD
Audio + Vibration: combined action: sound beep + vib visual notification on
4 - Voice Priority
Select here which terminal will get benefits of the Voice Priority function.
One beltpack of the system can be set as the « Voice Priority » beltpack. When Voice
Priority is on, any order from that particular beltpack will take over priority over the
full duplex system, while incoming audio from other beltpacks is decreased of -20dB.