3.3 VmarkerUtility general
When you start the VmarkerUtility the applications starts on the ‘Home’-tab
You can change tabs by the toolbar on the left-hand-side.
3.3.1 VmarkerUtility: Home
On the Home-tab of the application you can find all you need for daily usage. Presets
With presets you can determin the sensitivity of the Vmarker sensor. The’re 8 levels of
sensitivity pre-programmed. Standard LEVEL3 is selected. You can select a different level
where LEVEL0 is the preset with lowest sensitivity and LEVEL7 is the highest. When you
have chosen a particular preset you have to activate it with the ‘load preset’ button.
On Preset info you can some indication of when this preset could be used. This is only an
It is still possible to tweak the sensor settings on the Settings-page. When the settings on
the Settings page do not correspond with any of the 8 presets, the preset-selection is
blanked. Pen state
Pen state
you get an indication of the battery condition of the Vmarker pen II. You
can read the battery voltage in volts and you get a graphic indication whether the battery is
good or bad.
Vmarker Interactive Whiteboard