For each of the available I/O it will be possible to select through the appropriate configuration menu the following
1. DISABLED : No active function
2. MIC CALL O/C : INPUT, OUTPUT or BOTH allows to make, receive an external call via the MIC signal. In HY-
BRID mode the first person to make the call temporarily becomes MASTER and the remaining SLAVE.
3. MIC CALL TO ID1 : INPUT only, if closed to GND, forces the call addressed on the bus to ID 1
4. MIC CALL TO ALL : INPUT only, if closed to GND, forces the call addressed on the bus to all IDs (general call)
5. POWER ON/OFF : In LEVEL mode: INPUT, OUTPUT or BOTH allows to make, receive an external power on/
off. In HYBRID mode the first to make the call temporarily becomes MASTER and the remaining SLAVE.
In PULSE Mode: INPUT only, if closed to GND, toggle the device status (Stby/Operation)
6. POWER STATUS : OUTPUT only, Open-Collector (max 100ma), GND if the device is on.
7. POWER STATUS INV : OUTPUT only, Open-Collector (max 100ma), GND if the device is off.
8. INCREASE VOL. Only INPUT, if closed to GND, increases the volume by one or more steps (if maintained)
9. DECREASE VOL. Only INPUT, when closed to GND, reduces the volume by one or more steps (if maintained)
10. NEXT FUNC. >> : INPUT only, if closed to GND, advances to the next track/album if in USB or only the track in
11. PREV FUNC. << : INPUT only, if closed to GND, come back to the previous track/album if in USB or only the
track in BLUETOOTH
12. PLAY USB : INPUT only, if closed to GND, momentarily switch to USB source until release
13. PLAY AUX1 : INPUT only, if closed to GND, momentarily switches to AUX 1 source until release
14. PLAY AUX2 : INPUT only, if closed to GND, temporarily switches to AUX 2 source until release
N.B.: For the functions MIC CALL TO ID1 and MIC CALL TO ALL MUST be present a MASTER Supervisor in the
RS485 BUS, who can manage correct calls (e.g. iCONTROL4.X)
Functions of the Default: